Due to abnormal hormone levels, PCOS can lead to numerous symptoms in women. This condition is marked by an excess of testosterone in women.
Many women with PCOS have more male hormones than is healthy for them and this leads to a higher number of miscarriages or complications during childbirth. It also makes menstruation quite tough to deal with.
PCOS can cause a variety of health issues that culminate in long-term complications. It’s important to take care of your health, and talk to your doctor if anything feels unfamiliar.
Birth control pills and diabetes drugs can help with hormone imbalances and improve symptoms.
Dealing with PCOS is quite tough since it leads to more painful periods, missed dates, and much more. Did you know that this is not curable? You can only manage the symptoms to the best of your abilities in order to improve your quality of life. Here are some expert-backed tips about managing polycystic ovary syndrome.
PCOS and pregnancy
PCOSfertility problems
Increased risk of complications can also make pregnancy more difficult
People with PCOS are twice as likely to have a baby who is premature. They’re also at greater risk for miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, or gestational diabetes and ought to have care and close monitoring during pregnancy.
On the other side of things, PCOS can often cause infertility as well. This is why using treatments like fertility drugs are important in many women’s lives. Like long-term weight loss & blood sugar-lowering exercises, these medical interventions improve your chances of having what you have dreamed of–a healthy pregnancy.
Diagnosing PCOS
Doctors don’t know what causes PCOS. However, they believe that high levels of male hormones prevent the ovaries from functioning properly.
There are links between genes, insulin resistance, and inflammation that can lead to a buildup of male hormones.
Doctors typically diagnose PCOS in women with two or more of the following three symptoms:
- high levels of androgen
- irregular menstrual cycles
- cysts present in the ovaries
Ask your doctor if you’ve been experiencing any symptoms like acne, body hair growth, or weight gain. These can be potential signs that there’s something wrong with your thyroid levels. They might also order a hormone test in order to determine the levels of androgen in your body.
When was the last time you had a pelvic exam? If you haven’t had one recently then it might be time to do so. They can help to detect issues with your ovaries or reproductive tract, and they may even include checking for ovulation.
Treatment through lifestyle change
PCOS treatment often begins with lifestyle changes like weight loss, diet, and exercise
Losing just 5 to 10% of your body weight can help regulate your menstrual cycle and reduce the severity of your PCOS symptoms. Weight loss can also:
- improve your cholesterol levels
- lower your insulin
- reduce any risks for heart disease and diabetes
Some diets may help you lose weight more than others, but in general, any diet can help you improve your health.
Low carbohydrate diets are used for weight loss as well as for controlling insulin levels and PCOS. Studies have found that they lead to success in both areas.
Low GI diets provide some pain relief that helps the menstrual cycle and decreases the signs of hirsutism. They can help with weight loss as well.
Treatment through medications
Birth control pills, PCOS treatment, and other medical treatments can help regulate the menstrual cycle and cause fewer PCOS symptoms like hair growth and acne.
Birth control
You can take progesterone every day in order to:
- restore your normal hormone balance
- regulate your ovulation
- relieve few symptoms like excess hair growth
- protect yourself against endometrial cancer
Hormones can be used with a vaginal ring, pill, or patch and come in many different forms.
Hair removal medications
There are a few treatments that can help get rid of unwanted hair or stop it from growing. A popular treatment right now is Eflornithine cream, which slows down hair growth. Laser hair removal and electrolysis are also available to reduce the amount of unwanted hair on your face and body
If your ovaries don’t cooperate and you can’t conceive, surgery might be an option to improve fertility. Ovarian drilling— made by making tiny holes with a laser or heated needle– might restore normal ovulation.
It is important to deal with PCOS through some good habits so that you can improve your quality of life. Use this article to help you on your path.