Common names: Dwarf Wild Begonia, Maple-Leaved Begonia, Wild Begonia, Wildebegonia, Grape-Leaf Begonia

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Ulike Air 10

$399.00 $279.00

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Evergreen, Evergreen, Shrubs, Shrubs, Succulents, Succulents


Common name: Elephant Bush, Elephant Food, Dwarf Jade Plant or Porkbush

Family: Didiereaceae

portulacaria afra

Distribution and habitat: Portulacaria afra is a small-leaved succulent shrub found in South Africa. It is found in warm situations on rocky slopes in succulent karoo scrub, thicket, bushveld and dry river valleys in the eastern parts of South Africa from the Eastern Cape northwards into KwaZulu-Natal, Swaziland, Mpumalanga and the Limpopo Province as well as Mozambique.


Remanded varieties:
Portulacaria afra f. prostrata is a low-lying, decumbent form that is frequently used as a ground-cover.

General Information


Summer is the ideal time to take leaf cuttings from your houseplants and begonias propagate well from leaf cuttings. A young plant will erupt from tissue along the leaf veins and then root into the compost. Then you simply separate each new plant from the mother leaf and pot it on.

A single leaf can produce many young plants, which you can use to increase your own stock of begonias or give to friends. This technique can be used for all begonias but is particularly useful for foliage plants such as Begonia rex.

Cut a young, clean, healthy leaf from right at the base. Cut off its stalk.

Make slashes along the underside of the main vein. Pin the whole leaf down onto fir

General Information


Essential Nutrients

Plants cannot properly function without 17 essential nutrients. These nutrients are needed so that processes critical to plant growth and development can occur.

Essential nutrients can be broadly categorized as macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients and micronutrients are both essential for plant growth and development. Macronutrients include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, and magnesium. Micronutrients include iron, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum, chlorine, copper, and nickel. The difference between macro- and micronutrients is the amount required by plants. Macronutrients are required in higher amo

Air Plants, Air Plants, Bromeliads, Bromeliads, Evergreen, Evergreen, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Terrarium Plants, Terrarium Plants



Common name: Ball Moss, Small Ball-Moss, Ballmoss, Bunch Moss

Family: Bromeliaceae

Synonymous: Renealmia recurvata
Diaphoranthema recurvata
Tillandsia monostachya
Tillandsia uniflora
Diaphoranthema uniflora
Tillandsia pauciflora
Tillandsia recurvata var. contorta
Tillandsia recurvata var. minuta
Tillandsia recurvata f. contorta
Tillandsia recurvata f. minuta
Tillandsia recurvata f. minor
Tillandsia recurvata f. elongata
Tillandsia recurvata var. ciliata
Tillandsia recurvata var. genuina
Tillandsia recurvata f. major
Tillandsia recurvata f. argentea
Tillandsia recurvata f. brevifolia
Tillandsia recurvata f. caespitosa

Air Plants, Air Plants, Bromeliads, Bromeliads, Evergreen, Evergreen, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Terrarium Plants, Terrarium Plants



Common name: Tillys, Air Plant, Airplant, Erect Tillandsia, Upright Air Plant

Family: Bromeliaceae

Synonymous: Anoplophytum strictum
Tillandsia rosea
Tillandsia conspersa
Anoplophytum bicolor
Anoplophytum krameri
Tillandsia langsdorffii
Tillandsia krameri

Tillandsia stricta

Distribution and habitat: Tillandsia stricta is native to Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, northern Argentina, growing either on both the sands of beach dunes and in trees in the foothills of the Atlantic Range. This means that this plant has adapted to lots of different climates and would have leaves to match this diversity.
Despite the

Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants



Common name: Goldfish Plants, Flying Goldfish Plants

Family: Gesneriaceae

Columnea microphylla

Distribution and habitat: Columnea microphylla are tropical plants from the cloud forests of Costa Rica. In wild, they grow as epiphytic plants where they straddle rotten tree trunks or are tucked in the crevices of boulders, perching anywhere that vegetable debris has accumulated. In their natural habitat the roots are supplied with continual moisture and excellent drainage assures they never stand in water. These plants come from higher altitude where they have developed strong seasonal habits, responding to a cool conditions period (unlike most of the rest

Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants



Common name: Natal Lily, Bush Lily, Kaffir Lily, Clivia, Fire Lily, the South Africa Lily

Family: Amaryllidaceae

Clivia miniata

Distribution and habitat: Clivia miniata is a species of flowering plant native to damp woodland habitats in South Africa as well as in Swaziland. They are always found under tree cover in evergreen forests, growing in well-drained leaf mould rich with humus between boulders on slopes, but occasionally they may be found growing in the fork of a tree. The habitat may vary from subtropical coastal forest to ravines in high altitude forest. The Clivia miniata grows in dappled shade, often in large colonies.
Clivia miniata is

Evergreen, Evergreen, Foliage Plants, Foliage Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Sakaki, Cleyera, Japanese Cleyera

Family: Pentaphylacaceae

Synonymous: Cleyera fortunei

Cleyera japonica

Distribution and habitat: Cleyera japonica is a flowering evergreen tree native to warm areas of Japan, Korea, and mainland China. It can reach a height of 10m (33 feet) and is one of the common trees in the second layer of the evergreen oak forests.
Cleyera japonica is considered a sacred tree in the Shinto religion.

Description: Cleyera japonica is a branching shrub with glossy, elliptic, bunt-tipped leaves which are 7-10cm (3-4 inch) long and around 7cm (3 inch) wide. The leaves are dark green above, yellowi

Climber, Climber, Evergreen, Evergreen, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Shrubs, Shrubs


Common name: Bleeding Heart Vine, Bleeding Glory-Bower, Glory-Bower, Bagflower, Beauty Bush

Family: Lamiaceae

Clerodendrum thomsoniae

Distribution and habitat: Clerodendrum thomsoniae is an evergreen liana growing to 4m (13 feet) tall, native to tropical west Africa from Cameroon west to Senegal. In some regions it has escaped from cultivation and become naturalised.

Description: Clerodendrum thomsoniae is a vigorous twining shrub with striking flowers. The leaves are rather coarse, heart-shaped, up to 13cm (5 inch) long and 5cm (2 inch) wide and coloured deep green with slightly paler vein markings. Flowers, which are produced on wiry flower

Cactus, Cactus, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Silver Torch, Wooly Torch, Silver Torch Cactus

Family: Cactaceae

Synonymous: Pilocereus straussii (Basyonym)
Borzicactus strausii
Cephalocereus strausii
Cereus strausii
Denmoza strausii

Cleistocactus strausii

Distribution and habitat: Cleistocactus strausii is a perennial cactus native to high mountain regions of Bolivia and Argentina, above 3,000 m (9,843 feet). It is a slender, erect, grey-green columns which can reach a height of 3m (10 feet), but are only about 6cm (2.5inch) across. This cactus prefers free draining soils, strong sunlight, but not high temperatures in fact it can withstand hard frosts dow

Cactus, Cactus, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Peanut Cactus

Family: Cactaceae

Synonymous: Cereus silvestrii
Chamaecereus silvestrii
Lobivia silvestrii

Echinopsis chamaecereus

Distribution and habitat: Echinopsis chamaecereus is a species of mat forming cactus with many crowded finger-like stems from mountains areas in Argentina, occurring at elevations to over 1200m (4000 feet). Established plants can reach a height of 15cm (6 inch) and width of 30cm (12 inch), with stems.
It is one of the most popular ornamental cacti and is grown for its unique finger-like shoots and bright scarlet flowers.
In cultivation Echinopsis chamaecereus plants apparently origin

Cutting Flowers, Cutting Flowers, Evergreen, Evergreen, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Orchids, Orchids


Common name: Bicoloured Cattleya

Family: Orchidaceae

Synonymous: Cattleya bicolor var. caerulea
Cattleya bicolor subsp. minasgaerensis
Cattleya bicolor var. lewisii
Cattleya bicolor var. mearuresiana
Cattleya bicolor var. olocheilos
Cattleya bicolor var. splendida
Cattleya bicolor var. wrigleyana
Cattleya dupontii
Cattleya grossii
Cattleya measuresiana
Cattleya tetraploidea
Epidendrum bicolor
Epidendrum iridee

Cattleya bicolor

Distribution and habitat: Cattleya bicolor is native to Brazil where is occurring in different habitats. Typical, it is a species of epiphytic habit, but can a

Annuals, Annuals, Evergreen, Evergreen, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants



Common name: Madagascar Periwinkle, Rose Periwinkle, Old Maid, Chula, Chatas, Vinca

Family: Apocynaceae

Synonymous: Vinca rosea (basionym)
Ammocallis rosea
Lochnera rosea

Catharanthus roseus

Distribution and habitat: Catharanthus roseus is an evergreen shrubs or herbaceous plant, sprawling along the ground or standing erect to 1m (3 feet) in height, native and endemic to Madagascar where its natural habitat was almost been lost. It was found growing on sand and limestone soils in woodland, forest, grassland and disturbed areas.
This herb is now common worldwide as ornamental plant. It is naturalized in most tropical and subtrop

Annuals, Annuals, Culinary crop, Culinary crop, Foliage Plants, Foliage Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Ornamental Peper, Christmas Pepper Plant, Hot Pepper, Chili Pepper, Bell Pepper

Family: Solanaceae

Synonymous: Capsicum abyssinicum
Capsicum angulosum
Capsicum axi
Capsicum bauhinii
Capsicum caerulescens
Capsicum cerasiforme
Capsicum ceratocarpum
Capsicum cereolum
Capsicum comarim
Capsicum conicum
Capsicum conoide
Capsicum conoides
Capsicum conoideum
Capsicum cordiforme
Capsicum crispum
Capsicum cydoniforme
Capsicum dulce
Capsicum fasciculatum
Capsicum fastigiatum
Capsicum frutescens
Capsicum globiferum
Capsicum globosum
Capsicum grossum

Begonias, Begonias, Evergreen, Evergreen, Foliage Plants, Foliage Plants, Hobbyist Plants, Hobbyist Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Rare & Unusual Plants, Rare & Unusual Plants, Terrarium Plants, Terrarium Plants


Common name: Fern Leaf Begonia

Family: Begoniaceae

Synonymous: Begonia warburgii

Begonia bipinnatifida

Distribution and habitat: Begonia bipinnatifida is a species with a fern-like leaf appearance from New Guinea. It was found in primeval forest growing high on Mount Horne in rocky places. It has a shrub-like growth habit and can get 25 to 30cm (10-12 inch) tall.
The name bipinnatifida comes from the Latin bipinnatus which means twice pinnate.

Description: Begonia bipinnatifida is shrub-like with erect and semi erect deep red stems that are branched. The deep red stems are somewhat zig-zag from thickened node to thickened node

Begonias, Begonias, Foliage Plants, Foliage Plants, Hobbyist Plants, Hobbyist Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Rare & Unusual Plants, Rare & Unusual Plants, Terrarium Plants, Terrarium Plants


Common name: Begonia

Family: Begoniaceae

Begonia bogneri

Distribution and habitat: Begonia bogneri is a curios species from Begoniaceae family, with short, thin stems, grass like leaves and diminutive flowers. It is a rare species which was discovered in a remote mountainous part of Madagascar in an area called Hiataka which has an average annual rainfall of about 3500mm (140 inch) and a yearly average of 230 rainy days. It grows in deep shade on moss-covered granite cliffs covering the naked rocks among mosses, ferns and sometimes Pothos scandens (Climbing Aroid) at an elevation of 50m (165 feet).

Description: Begonia bogneri is an erect sho

Begonias, Begonias, Evergreen, Evergreen, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Foliage Plants, Foliage Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Palm-Leaf Begonia

Family: Begoniaceae

Synonymous: Begonia luxurians var. sampaioana
Scheidweileria luxurians

Begonia luxurians

Distribution and habitat: Begonia luxurians is an unusual species from the rain forests of Brazil that looks more like a palm tree than a Begonia. It is a tall shrubby cane-like begonias growing up to 4m (13 feet) tall over a few years. Its natural habitat would be in humid, semi shady locations. Although it is grown primarily for its highly decorative foliage it does bear pretty flowers, which are quite fragrant by all accounts.

Description: Begonia luxurians is an erect

Begonias, Begonias, Evergreen, Evergreen, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Hobbyist Plants, Hobbyist Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Rare & Unusual Plants, Rare & Unusual Plants


Common names: Dwarf Wild Begonia, Maple-Leaved Begonia, Wild Begonia, Wildebegonia, Grape-Leaf Begonia

Family: Begoniaceae

Synonymous: Begonia richardsiana
Begonia caffra
Begonia favargeri
Begonia homonyma
Begonia macbethii
Begonia natalensis
Begonia partita
Begonia parvifolia
Begonia richardsiana
Begonia richardsoniana
Begonia rubicunda
Begonia rudatisii
Begonia sinuata
Begonia suffruticosa
Begonia uncinata

Begonia dregei

Distribution and habitat: Begonia dregei is an erect perennial to 1m (39 inch) tall, but usually to 40cm (16 inch) tall in cultivation. This plant has de

Begonias, Begonias, Evergreen, Evergreen, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Foliage Plants, Foliage Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Hand Begonia, Carolineabegonia

Family: Begoniaceae

Synonymous: Gireoudia carolineifolia
Begonia rotata
Gireoudia rotata
Begonia carolineifolia (misspelling)

Begonia caroliniifolia

Distribution and habitat: Begonia caroliniifolia is a perennial evergreen rhizomes form of begonia native to Southern Mexico and Central America. In the wild, these plants often lean against tree trunks or rocks, sometimes grasping them with their wiry roots.

In moist forest on steep,rocky slopes at an altitude of 50-495m.

Description: Begonia caroliniifolia is an upright rhizomatous with a striking woody trunk with

Begonias, Begonias, Evergreen, Evergreen, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Foliage Plants, Foliage Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Metal-Leaf Begonia

Family: Begoniaceae

Synonymous: Begonia aucubifolia
Begonia ciliata
Begonia insignis
Begonia martiana
Begonia metallica
Begonia papillosa
Begonia subpeltata
Knesebeckia aucubifolia
Knesebeckia incarnata
Knesebeckia papillosa

Begonia incarnata

Distribution and habitat: Begonia incarnata is a species of evergreen perennial succulent herb in the family Begoniaceae, native to Mexico. It is found in deciduous and pine forests of medium and high altitudes from 800 to 1700m (2600-5600 feet) or growing as secondary vegetation in damp places and shallow soils. This plant thri

Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Ground cover, Ground cover, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Italian Bellflower, Star of Bethlehem, Falling Stars, Trailing Campanula, Bellflower, Jerusalem Star, Star Bellflower

Family: Campanulaceae

Campanula isophylla

Distribution and habitat: Campanula isophylla is a perennial species found only on the cliff of Capo Noli, in Italian Alps. In their natural habitat, they grow like a trailing carpet over south-facing rocks. These plants have become popular pot plants in the Scandinavian countries, making excellent basket plants.

Description: Campanula isophylla is an easy to grow flowering trailer indoor plant. Its small, heart shaped, tooth edged leaves are bright green and rather brittl

Commercial Cultivation, Commercial Cultivation, Evergreen, Evergreen, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Shrubs, Shrubs


Common name: the China Tea Plant, Tea Plant, Tea Shrub, Tea Tree, Tea Tree Camellia, Black Tea, Green Tea, Chinese Tea, Common Tea, Tea, Tea Camellia

Family: Theaceae

Synonymous: Camellia angustifolia
Camellia arborescens
Camellia assamica
Camellia dehungensis
Camellia dishiensis
Camellia longlingensis
Camellia multisepala
Camellia oleosa
Camellia parvisepala
Camellia parvisepaloides
Camellia polyneura
Camelia sinensis (Misspelling)
Camellia thea
Camellia theifera
Camellia waldeniae
Thea assamica
Thea bohea
Thea cantonensis
Thea chinensis
Thea cochinchinensis
Thea grandif

Evergreen, Evergreen, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Ground cover, Ground cover, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Basket Plant, Chain Plant, Inch Plant, False Bromeliad, Purple Succulent, Basketplant, Fragrant Inch Plant, Octopus Plant

Family: Commelinaceae

Synonymous: Spironema orthandrum
Rectanthera fragrans
Spironema fragrans

Callisia fragrans

Distribution and habitat: Callisia fragrans is endemic to Mexico and naturalized in the West Indies, scattered locations in the United States, and a few other places.
Callisia fragrans is a long-lived creeping herbaceous plant with leaves crowded into rosette-like clusters and spreading laterally via long runners. It occurs in pinelands, hammocks and disturbed areas.


Evergreen, Evergreen, Foliage Plants, Foliage Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Peacock Plant, Cathedral Windows, Brain Plant, Calathea Peacock

Family: Marantaceae

Synonymous: Calathea olivaris
Goeppertia makoyana
Maranta iconifera
Maranta makoyana
Maranta olivaris
Phyllodes mackoyana

Calathea makoyana

Distribution and habitat: Calathea makoyana is a species of evergreen perennial native to eastern Brazil, occurring in the undergrowth of the tropical forests. It grows from a thick rhizome and reaches a height of 30-50cm (12-20 inch). In their native environment, the soils are sandy and seasonally moist, not consistently wet.

Description: Calathea makoyana is a tropical pla

Cutting Flowers, Cutting Flowers, Environments, Environments, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Orchids, Orchids


Common name: Christmas Orchid

Family: Orchidaceae

Synonymous: Orchis triplicata (Basionym)
Alismorkis angraeciflora
Alismorkis diploxiphion
Alismorkis furcata
Alismorkis gracillima
Alismorkis veratrifolia
Amblyglottis veratrifolia
Bletia quadrifida
Calanthe angraeciflora
Calanthe australasica
Calanthe bracteosa
Calanthe brevicolumna
Calanthe catilligera
Calanthe celebica
Calanthe comosa
Calanthe diploxiphion
Calanthe furcata
Calanthe furcata f. albolineata
Calanthe furcata f. albomarginata
Calanthe furcata f. brevicolumna
Calanthe gracillima
Calanthe matsumurana

Evergreen, Evergreen, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Succulents, Succulents


Common name: Mother of Thousands, Alligator Plant, Mexican Hat Plant, Devil's Backbone

Family: Crassulaceae

Synonymous: Kalanchoe daigremontiana

Bryophyllum daigremontianum

Distribution and habitat: Bryophyllum daigremontianum is a succulent perennial plant native to the Fiherenana River valley and Androhibolava mountains in southwest Madagascar. It has been introduced to numerous tropical and subtropical regions, such as Florida, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, parts of the Canary Islands and Australia. Like other members of the genus Bryophyllum, it is able to propagate vegetatively from plantlets (epiphyllous buds) that develop on the leaf edges

Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Shrubs, Shrubs


Common name: Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow, Morning-Noon-and-Night,Kiss Me Quick, Brazil Raintree

Family: Solanaceae

Synonymous: Brunfelsia calycina (basionym)
Brunfelsia pauciflora var. calycina
Franciscea pauciflora (basionym)

Brunfelsia pauciflora

Distributiona and habitat: Brunfelsia pauciflora is a species of flowering semi-deciduous shrub, endemic to Brazil, growing in light woodland and thickets. This shrub is growing up to 3m (10 feet) with a 3.6m (12 feet) spread. It is cultivated for its fragrant flowers. The species name, bonodora, is from the Latin, and means 'sweet-smelling'.

Description: Poted Brunf

Evergreen, Evergreen, Ferns, Ferns, Foliage Plants, Foliage Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Hart's Tongue Fern

Family: Aspleniaceae

Synonymous: Phyllitis scolopendrium
Scolopendrium vulgare
Asplenium altajense
Phyllitis japonica

Asplenium scolopendrium

Distribution and habitat: Asplenium scolopendrium is an evergreen fern widely distributed in central and southern Europe, eastern Iran, northwestern Africa, Korea, Japan, Sakhalin and scattered populations appear in eastern North America. It occurs at sites on or near dolomite (magnesium-rich limestone) that remain consistently moist year-round such as sinkholes, cave entrances, wooded limestone ravines and talus slopes and steep north-facing slopes wi

Annuals, Annuals, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Amethyst Flower, Bush Violet, Lovely Browallia, Sapphire Flower

Family: Solanaceae

Synonymous: Browallia gigantea

Browallia speciosa

Distribution and habiat: Browallia speciosa is a shrubby, woody perennial native to tropical South America growing in open areas, roadsides, pastures, vacant lots in moist and seasonally dry regions at elevations between 150-1200m (500-4000 feet).

Descriptions: Browallia speciosa is a blue-violet tender perennial usually grown as an annual flowering plant. When grown as an annual, it will typically rise to 0.5m (2 feet) tall. This plant has tubular, 5-lobed, purple-blue flowers with white

Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Orchids, Orchids


Common name: The Warty Brassia

Family: Orchidaceae

Synonymous: Brassia verrucosa subsp. gireoudiana
Brassia aristata
Brassia brachiata
Brassia coryandra
Brassia cowanii
Brassia longiloba
Brassia odontoglossoides
Oncidium brachiatum
Oncidium verrucosum

Brassia verrucosa

Distribution and habitat: Brassia verrucosa is an epiphytic orchid native to Mexico, Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua), Venezuela, and Brazil. This large species is a warm to cool growing epiphyte of open humid, evergreen to semi-deciduous cloud forests on tree trunks and larger branches from altitu

Climber, Climber, Evergreen, Evergreen, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants, Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants


Common name: Paper Flower, Paperflower, Lesser Bougainvillea, Bougainvillea

Family: Nyctaginaceae

Bougainvillea glabra

Distribution and habitat: Bougainvillea glabra is an evergreen, climbing shrub with thorny stems. It usually grows 3-4m (1012feet) tall, occasionally up to 9m (30 feet). Tiny white flowers usually appear in clusters surrounded by colorful papery bracts, hence the name paperflower.
Bougainvillea glabra is native to Brazil growing in well drained sandy desert soils, slopes, mesas and disturbed rocky soil in a broad elevation range, anywhere from sea level to 750m (0-2500 feet). Its natural habitat is equatorial where day and night le

Garden Plants, Garden Plants, Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants, Shrubs, Shrubs


Common name: Coralberry, Christmas Berry, Australian Holly, Coral Ardisia, Coral Bush, Coralberry Tree, Hen's-Eyes, Spiceberry

Family: Myrsinaceae

Synonymous: Ardisia crenata var. bicolor
Ardisia crenata subsp. crassinervosa

Ardisia crenata

Distribution and habitat: Ardisia crenata is a species of flowering plant in the colicwood family, Myrsinaceae, that is native to East Asia.
Ardisia crenata is a compact shrub that reaches 1 metre (3.3 feet), often with a single stem. Leaves are dark green, thick, glossy and have tightly waved edges The flowers are small, white or reddish, fragrant and form clusters. The fruit is a glossy, b


Begonia propagation f...Essential Nutrients f...Portulacaria afraTillandsia recurvataTillandsia strictaColumnea microphyllaClivia miniataCleyera japonicaClerodendrum thomsoni...Cleistocactus strausi...


Tillandsia recurvat... 5Tillandsia stricta 5Columnea microphyll... 5Clivia miniata 5Catharanthus roseus 5Neoregelia marmorat... 5Caladium X hortulan... 5Solenostemon scutel... 4Ananas comosus 4


The 12 Climate Re... (35,438)Piper crocatum (14,176)Xanthorrhoea john... (11,445)Begonia dregei (10,463)Billbergia nutans (10,286)Camellia sinensis (10,060)Cleyera japonica (9,956)Begonia bipinnati... (9,634)Clivia miniata (9,404)Tillandsia strict... (8,916)Clerodendrum thom... (8,496)Solenostemon scut... (8,344)Catharanthus rose... (7,757)Tillandsia recurv... (7,242)Columnea microphy... (7,216)Bryophyllum daigr... (7,049)Begonia carolinii... (6,646)Callisia fragrans (6,323)Cleistocactus str... (6,262)Neoregelia marmor... (6,144)


Thysanolaena maxima, Cyperus haspan, Codiaeum variegatum, Leucadendron salignum, Myriophyllum aquaticum, Ctenanthe burle-marxii, Adiantum raddianum, Musa spp., Peperomia caperata, Hypoestes phyllostachya, Cordyline terminalis, Aglaonema modestum, Nephrolepis exaltata Bostoniensis, Schefflera actinophylla, Tillandsia cyanea, Leymus arenarius, Dyckia fosteriana, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, Zamia furfuracea, Coffea arabica, Aloe arborescens, Cyrtomium falcatum, Tacca integrifolia, Aphids, Maggots, Faucaria tigrina, Myriophyllum simulans, Alpinia vittata, Bougainvillea glabra, Brassia verrucosa, Asplenium scolopendrium, Bryophyllum daigremontianum, Begonia incarnata, Begonia caroliniifolia, Tillandsia tectorum

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