We are undergoing a revolution in the field of aesthetics, and facial aesthetics has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade. The desire to look young is not new to the human race but today these treatments are more readily available, we as a society are more aware of them, there’s a clinic offering these treatments not far from you and there is more disposable per capita income. Further, the acceptance of people for these treatments is more, there are wives bringing in their husbands and mothers bringing in their daughters – so YES, WE ARE UNDERGOING A CHANGE, and possibly a change which is here to stay. Sure there is a lot of apprehension and anxiety associated with these treatments which stems from misconceptions, myths, bad jobs done in ‘spas’ and ‘salons’ from non certified professionals etc., but if done in a proper manner by a skilled professional the results are natural, subtle and preserve the grace and softness of the face. Moreover, aesthetic treatments allow people to look better, feel fresher and attain a new found confidence in their lives.
The concept of attractiveness worldwide
Regardless of nationality, age, or ethnic background, for the most part people universally share a sense of what is attractive. An attractive face universally is supposed to be Oval and a have a good Ogee curve (in females). The ogee curve is an architectural shape consisting of a concave arc flowing into a convex arc, creating an S-shaped curve.
Changing Trends, Attitudes, and Concepts in facial beautification
1. From surgical to non-surgical procedures – Anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers have emerged as the most frequently performed non-surgical aesthetic procedure in the last few years worldwide, followed closely by laser hair removal.
2. “I want to look natural” – This is probably the biggest concern people have while seeking treatment, that they DON’T WANT TO LOOK PLASTIC, and really who does? You come in to get these treatments to look and feel better, fresher and more beautiful not to look unnatural. So you definitely want to go to a skilled professional for these treatments (not your neighbourhood SPA or SALON, but a certified dermatologist) and to a person who you are comfortable with coz you will be discussing and spending time with this person and he/she needs to understand your goals and advise the best treatment protocol and deliver natural results.
3. More men coming in for procedures – YES, men WANT TO LOOK GOOD TOO. Men today feature as a fast growing segment of the aesthetic industry. It appears that the desire to exhibit a youthful and energetic look, greater awareness of cosmetic procedures and more disposable per capita income are common factors driving men to go in for minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. Further women flaunting their “trophy husbands”, pressure from wives/girlfriends seem to be plausible factors as well. Anti-wrinkle injection has seen a 9% increase in the number of procedures performed in males and is the most frequently performed minimally invasive cosmetic procedure in males.
4. More younger women seeking treatment – So, a few days back an 18 year old walks into my clinic asking for a filler in the lip and the same week a 16 year old for a filler in the nose. Many of these young girls come in without their parents and are probably undergoing a complex which stems from increased desire to LOOK GOOD / COOL and “peer pressure”. They want an increased sense of self identity and pride. Further, there is more economic power, aspiration, and social independence. Of course, I did not end up doing the treatment, although that’s another story. Please don’t be impulsive about treatments, start slow and seek permission of your parents first (they will help you out) and then visit a doctor for these treatments.
5. Growing acceptance towards aesthetic treatments – From “Doc, I want to do the treatment, but I don’t want anyone to know” to “Doc, me and my friend are coming in for a treatment.” There’s more awareness and knowledge, the people seeking these treatments are informed and further they have easier access to them than before. People are now more open about getting treatments (although we have a long way to go still, but we are moving in that direction). It’s common today for a wife to get her husband saying he’s coming up with aging lines, and a bride coming in before her wedding saying she just wants to look fresher (although all brides look beautiful on their day). People want to spend time on themselves, they are conscious about their looks and their health and are looking for a wholesome wellness solution which entails feeling and looking fabulous.
Hope, this was an interesting read. Let us know in the comments below if you would want to know about any particular treatment or a trend in clinical or aesthetic dermatology. For queries please feel free to write into us at info@drkandhariclinic.com.