Best Ways for Women to Get Rid of Unwanted Hairs : Body hair is a cause for concern for most women, and this is despite everyone having body hair. Ask any woman, and they’d want to get rid of most of their body hair once and for all. Maybe it’s because of insecurities or because of the vast amounts of money they use on hair removal.
Some techniques have come up. However, that can be used to get rid of unwanted hairs. Some are permanent, while others are flexible and keep hair from growing for a while. So dive in and find out more about how you can get rid of unwanted hair.
Laser Removal
One of the best procedures for hair removal is laser hair removal. This non-invasive approach is long lasting and extremely effective. If you are fortunate enough to live in Australia, then you will be pleased to know that you can find the best laser hair removal Sydney has to offer. With a laser, the target part is the hair follicle. What happens is that the follicle is damaged with heat, and that stops hair from growing. This procedure does not have specific parts of the body done. It can be performed on all parts of the body. The procedure works best on those who have light skin tones and darker hair. The process can be done over eight weeks with a session costing around $250
Tweezing and Waxing
There’s a lot of clamor for professional tweezing and waxing for those who can’t afford a laser. Some also don’t like the idea of electrolysis. This procedure, however, needs to be done by a professional–certified aesthetician.
In this process, the hair is removed from the roots by either one of the methods. Once the hair is pulled out, it can take up to 8 weeks, depending on how fast your hair grows. Therefore, this isn’t a permanent solution to get rid of hair. When you opt for waxing, know that it shouldn’t be done around nipples, ears, or genital; areas. As for tweezing, this can be done on all areas of the body. You can expect some irritation after the procedure and some mild rashes too.
Another permanent measure that can be used to get rid of body hair is this one. This procedure involves using a shortwave radio frequency. This frequency is used through needles that are placed directly into the hair follicles.
With this procedure, you can expect the same results as when you use laser hair removal treatment. It intends to damage the follicle so that there’s no stimulation of hair growth around the area. You can get this procedure done by a dermatologist or an electrologist. It would help if you made multiple follow up of the process for it to be a success. The follow-ups can be done in a week or two in some cases. Every session can cost you around $35 -$100, depending on location.
When it comes to hair removal, it can be costly if you opt for non-permanent measures. But they are also by far the safest. Permanent measures, however expensive to perform, are only done once. Here are some of the best ways for women to get rid of unwanted hair.
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Best Ways for Women to Get Rid of Unwanted Hairs
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