We all have regrets or things we wish we knew 10 years ago, but of course some lessons we can only learn in retrospect. Wouldn’t it be great if we could time-travel back to have a chat with our 13 or even 20-year-old self? Some are trends indicative of the times (hello the 90’s pencil thin eyebrows), but others are related to our bodies and our health and overall wellbeing. Most of these lessons were hard learned, through trial and error but I wish I could have known them earlier!
1. Invest in laser hair removal – While it may seem expensive at first glance, consider what you spend on razors or waxing appointments, not to mention the time and energy! It is definitely an investment and you do have to commit to completing 6- 8 sessions but it will save you time in the long run. There have been so many advancements in hair removal lasers, and at-home hair removal laser machines, so what are you waiting for?
2. Thou shall not ever sun bake or spend long periods of time in the sun (even when protected) and thou salt ALWAYS wear sunscreen. Gosh if only we repair the damage from our younger years! Aside from the more obvious risks to un-protected sun exposure, 80% of visible ageing is linked directly to UV exposure or sun-damage (and only 10% to genetics) and our collagen starts to break down LONG before we start to get a sunburn or turn pink, so those unwanted sunspots and fine-lines may have been somewhat preventable. Sigh. Moral of the story: SPF is so important for the long-term health of your skin, ideally 30+ or even 50+ as our Aussie sun’s rays are extra strong. Start wearing sunscreen as EARLY as you can, your skin will thank you later.
3. Invest in a good skincare routine (and stick to it). If that means seeing a professional ((i.e. dermatologist, dermal therapist, aesthetician) or getting a proper skin analysis then so be it. They can then recommend the best skincare
products for your particular needs. The sooner you discover your skin type/condition and start giving it exactly what it needs and caring for it, the sooner you will enjoy better skin!
4. If a skincare care product burns on your face or feels like it leaves you tight and dry – do not continue to use it and hope for the best. Unless professionally prescribed, it is just not worth it. Furthermore, skincare goes to your decolletage, keep going past your chin and look after your skin below the neck. You will thank me later, younger Emily!
5. Learn to love and embrace the hair you have! While you can play with curls or straightening your locks, find a cut that suits your hair texture and length and embrace.
6. While it can seem a like a bit of a hassle sometimes, getting a pedicure every now and then is such a luxury and looking at your pretty little glossy toes never gets old.
7. Always and I mean ALWAYS take your makeup off before bedtime. Even if it has to just be a makeup wipe – keep some handy, along with a serum or moisturiser in your bedside table for those times when you find yourself already in bed and too tired to move. Your skin will thank you.
8. Trust your instincts, do you and try everything. You’ll find your style through trial and error.