It’s that time of year … Christmas parties are upon us, drinks are flowing and our bellies are more full than ever. The hardest part is … it’s time to mingle with co workers and friends while trying to look our best. And at this point trying to fit into your little black dress (or in my case little black jumpsuit) seems next to impossible. I try to prepare myself for this time every year and I think I’m slowly starting to master it. Follow my tips below and see how I fit into my little black jumpsuit while still having a fun holiday season.

1. Diet | This time of year is extremely hard to cut back on those extra and unwanted calories. There are so many dinner parties, appetizers and deserts to attend to. My trick to help say no to plates full of rich food is to always eat before any party!!! Fill yourself up with some fresh fruit, vegetables or soup so that you’re not starving upon arrival. This will help you only have a few nibbles here and there instead of stuffing your face and your belly. Be mindful of what you put in your mouth and don’t eat just because it’s in front of you!
2. Exercise | It is so hard to dedicate time out of your holidays to exercise. Try adding it in, in fun ways like tobogganing or family walks or skating or even skiing. If it doesn’t feel like exercise you will have more fun doing it and it will be easier to fit into your busy schedule. Make it fun, sweat a little and do it all over again!
3. Water | Believe it or not water is one of my secret weapons when it comes to weight loss and glowing skin. I try to drink a minimum of 8 glasses a day to not only hydrate myself but also fill my belly. It makes you feel full and is great to drink before any meal. Especially if your going to parties, try drinking one glass of water to every cocktail. And don’t forget to drink a ton of water as soon as you get home from the party!!!
4. Alcohol Intake | This will be tricky to cut back on entirely BUT it is important to mix in a few lower calorie drinks with your rum and eggnog’s. The more alcohol you intake means the more water you will retain. Try your best to limit excessive alcohol intake and like I said before, have one glass of water to every cocktail.
5. CoolSculpting | I tried CoolSculpting (opens in a new tab) for the first time last spring at Project Skin MD (opens in a new tab). I went with mom for Mother’s Day and for me it wasn’t about weight loss but rather about sculpting my waist. Those last few pounds always seem to hang around a little longer than any of us would like. I loved how quickly I saw the results for CoolSculpting (opens in a new tab) and would definitely recommend trying it or even giving it as a gift.
6. Tightening Products | I have fallen completely in love with all SkinCeuticals products. I recently tried their tightening product called: The Body Tightening Concentrate (opens in a new tab) available exclusively at Project Skin MD (opens in a new tab). I’m not sure if it’s just the product, its cooling effect or the mixture of moving the cells around on a daily basis that helps tighten the skin. Once you start seeing results it becomes addictive.
7. Thermage | Thermage (opens in a new tab) is another Body Treatment that I do at Project Skin MD (opens in a new tab). I tried it on my face for the first time last year and my skin was tight and glowing for the entire holiday season. Some other treatments that would be worth trying to make you look your best in that little black dress are their Sclerotherapy (opens in a new tab)for those leg veins we all hate and Laser Hair removal (opens in a new tab) for unwanted hair. Now … to book in for my next appointment!!! I always like gifting myself one major treatment before the holidays to leave myself feeling fresh and ready to mingle with friends and family.
8. Feel confident and beautiful in your own body! If all else fails buy a size up and have fun at the party!!!! You can start fresh with your New Years resolutions ….

photo credit: Sharla Pike (opens in a new tab)
Do you have any other tips to share with me about how YOU fit into that little black dress over the holidays?! I’d love to hear in the comments below…
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