Get Ready for Endless Fun in the Sun This Summer With These Body Treatments
You can’t beat summer in Sonoma County! We are all excited to get outside and enjoy some quality time at the beach, river, or poolside. Our team at Artemedica wants to make sure you jump into the summer fun looking and feeling your best!
If you are looking for a non-invasive solution to boost your self-confidence this summer – look no further. With all our non-surgical cosmetic body treatments available to choose from, we are confident we can help address any concerns you may have as summer gets closer.
Read on to learn more about four of our most popular non-invasive body treatments to help get you ready for some fun in the sun this summer!
1. MiraDry Underarm Laser Treatments Eliminate Sweat

Are you one of the 15 million people in the U.S. that struggle with excessive underarm sweat, stains, and odor? If so, MiraDry laser treatments may be the answer to your prayers! With advanced electromagnetic technology, this revolutionary treatment has helped many Sonoma County patients escape the embarrassment of visible sweat conditions.
Benefits of MiraDry Laser Treatments
– Eliminate excessive underarm sweat
– Reduce embarrassing underarm odor
– Diminish your need for prescription-grade antiperspirants
– Eliminate the worry of sweat stains or deodorant marks
MiraDry is currently the only non-invasive treatment to remove sweat glands that is approved by the FDA. The advanced MireDry device sends electromagnetic energy waves – harmless microwaves – painlessly to your underarm area. This non-invasive technique safely and efficiently destroys the overactive sweat glands in your underarm area, eliminating excessive sweating in as little as one treatment.
2. Laser Hair Removal Treatments for Your Whole Body

Are you ready to ditch the itch of razor burn, and get impossibly smooth and hairless skin anywhere on your body? At Artemedica, we offer a virtually painless laser hair removal procedure that combines advanced technologies to safely and efficiently remove unwanted hair from any area it grows.
Most Common Areas To Treat with Laser Hair Removal
– Face
– Chest
– Arms
– Underarms
– Back
– Bikini
– Legs
By combining modern cooling mechanisms with advanced laser energy, our expert technicians painlessly deliver heat to your hair follicles while simultaneously cooling your skin. This kills the follicles so hair will no longer be able to grow, while also maintaining your comfort throughout the treatment.
3. CoolSculpting™ Fat-Reduction Treatments
For many people, the swimsuit season can cause a lot of anxiety. Genetics or many other factors out of your control can make it impossible to lose that stubborn fat. Luckily, our team at Artmedica has you covered with CoolSculpting!
CoolSculpting body treatments painlessly kill stubborn fat cells in your body that are resistant to diet and exercise. The breakthrough fat reduction procedure is the world’s #1 non-invasive procedure to contour your body and shed excess fat.
CoolSculpting Treatments

Every CoolSculting treatment is personalized to help achieve your ideal results, according to your specific needs, and body type. During your procedure, the CoolSculting applicator painlessly freezes and kills fat cells, while your body then naturally eliminates the dead cells, leaving your figure more trim and defined.
CoolSculpting Fat Reduction Treatment Zones:
– Upper & Lower Abdomen
– Flanks (love-handles)
– Arms & Underarms
– Back/Bra Line
– Inner & Outer Thighs
– Submental Fat (double-chin)
– Under Buttocks
– Knees
4. CoolTone™ Muscle Toning Treatments
If you are looking to get a more muscular and defined figure before it’s time to hit the beach, CoolTone body contouring could be your answer. CoolTone muscle treatments are a non-invasive way to tone and strengthen large muscle groups without rigorous training or additional exercise.
CoolTone Muscle Treatments

CoolTone’s Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS technology) painlessly penetrates through your skin and fat layers, inducing involuntary muscle contractions. These high-intensity electromagnetic energy treatments stimulate deep, hard to reach muscles resulting in a more defined and toned physique.
CoolTone Targeted Muscle Groups:
– Buttocks muscles
– Core abdomen muscle
– Thigh muscles
Get Summer Savings on CoolSculpting and CoolTone Treatments at Artemedica
Get your ideal physique just in time for summer when you buy six CoolSculpting cycles from Artemedica and receive $500 off your entire purchase! Or save $800 when you purchase six CoolSculpting cycles with four CoolTone cycles today!
Custom Laser Treatments at Artemedica in Santa Rosa

These body treatments are among the safest and most non-invasive approaches to treating a wide range of concerns. Our goal at Artemedica is to ensure your comfort during every appointment while helping you to look and feel your best every day. From head to toe, we are confident there is a laser treatment perfect for addressing your goals!
We want to work with you to best achieve your optimal treatment results with a customized procedure that is quick, easy, and, above all, safe. Fill out the form below to be one of the first to get a personalized body treatment consultation at Artemedica as soon as possible!